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mardi 18 août 2009

Car Insurance

We'll talk about the insurance, particularly cars insurance, which has become something known and widespread in the world and for this purpose a group of insurance companies has Emerged to provide compensation if the vehicle get robbed or involved in an accident.

I think most of us have an idea about insurance, For car owners it has become a must for them.

But the question here is what's the difference between those companies and how choose the best one?

We have discussed this issue in the previous article.

Now after you have seen the best way to choose an insurance company and after you have insured your car you still have to know your rights, duties and to be fully informed about situations that companies will give compensation for them.

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Traffic accidents threaten our lives and the lives of others

All of us – the humans- know the World War I , World War II , about Hitler's and about victims of these wars and others that break out here and there, However, there is a special kind of war that take place every day in our streets ,it's road war.

This war causes death of a lot of humans ,animals and sometimes plants this without mention the huge material damages , so we have the rights to call it a war.

What are the reasons in your opinions ?

There are many reasons like traffic congestion , speed and bad type of roads

But the two major reasons are the states of the driver and car.

So what is the state of the car ?

Did you check all the parts and confirmed that ever thing is ok?

Did you check your car wheels and brakes?

If your answers is yes then your car state is good, now let's see the other reason-The driver- himself.

This is the most important point because approximately all of the car accidents cause is the driver. This return's to Lack of awareness of the dangers of high speed driving and under the influence of alcohol.

We consider from all the above that is the driver is 1st responsible of Traffic accidents , so when an accident occurs one or both of them takes the Responsibility of the accident .

Sometimes the bad type of roads is a reason of accidents but this reason is rarely seen because almost all the roads are good.

Even if the road is not good and does not cover the standards for safety requirements in that country but if the driver drive carefully and know how to deal with his way he will avoid a lot of possible dangers.

Finally, My request to all drivers to take all the Precautions while driving and avoid high speed because haste makes waste and the victims of this war are the dearest people to us although if they don’t mean any thing to us they mean a lot to others so please be responsible to yourself and others or you will feel Remorse because of death of someone who means a lot to his family , The worst case that may happens is your death so again I peg you to drive safely .

We hope the safety of all

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lundi 17 août 2009

How To Find Cheap Boat Insurance

How To Find Cheap Boat Insurance

If you can get things easily, you might do so. If you can get cheap boat insurance easily, there´s no harm in heading that route. Whether you own a boat that is tied to a dock or you have it stored in your trailer, you need to get your hands on cheap boat insurance as soon as possible.

Your boat is an investment and you want to make sure that it is covered. It is like a house or a car. It is an asset and it definitely needs insurance. You want to be covered just in case something happens to it.

You can easily secure cheap boat insurance by going online. Because of the demand for insurance right now, you will realize that you are just one in a million of investors who are thinking of investing their hard-earned cash in insuring their boat.

So if you head out to the open water altogether, you are all covered. It´s true what they say about insurance. It is better that you have it and not need it, than need it but not have it.

There are a number of cheap boat insurance quotes to choose from. These sites contribute a lot to the public who wants to insure their boat because they pretty much get an idea of how much this move will cost them.

They also get a preview of the plans out there. The best insurance providers are those that have no qualms in stating the costs of the plans they provide their clients and their potential clients.

Another sign that the insurance provider is one of the best in the business is when the reviews on their plans are positive. Words of their clients also play an important factor.

If you look at cheap boat insurance quotes, chances are you will see links to the webpage of these insurance providers. Seize your chance and click on the link so you can see the testimonials from the clients.

If you are wondering about the discounts that come with the cheap boat insurance, you shouldn´t wonder anymore because the quotes that you check out will easily give you the answers that you are looking for.

You can also compare these with the other plans that you are considering. If you can get insurance at a cheaper rate, why should you invest in insurance that are available to you at the general price?

The money that you save for getting cheap boat insurance can be used on other things. You can use this to get something for your boat.
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Buy Cheap Touring Caravan Insurance

Buy Cheap Touring Caravan Insurance

There are some things we don´t have to do but we do it because it is only practical to do so. Nowadays, we always consider the value of money and that is why it´s not as easy to do things instantly without thinking it over twice.

If you are considering buying touring caravan insurance, there are a number of important factors that you should consider. That´s why if you can get your hands to a touring caravan insurance quote, then make the most out of this and compare.

Generally, touring caravan insurance covers a wide range of Touring Caravans in both the Continental and British. The options are either single or twin axle. In fact, some of the insurance providers have been providing their services for over a decade now.

Some people opt to go for these kinds of insurance firms because they know the great deal they can get from a specialist.

It also helps to check the other customers who opted for the services that are provided by the touring caravan insurance firm. A plan has additional features and this makes the client feel safer.

They are more confident if the plan that they purchased lowers the risk for them. Thanks to the Internet, it is so easy to just compare one plan from another. With just the click of the mouse button, one can already have hindsight of what is included in the plan.

The insurance holder also has the option of storing his touring caravan insurance firm if he signs alongside the Caravan Storage Site Owners Association, also known as the CaSSOA.

This will provide them with a further discount on their touring caravan insurance. They can check their insurance plan on the percentage that they can get ic they sign up for a specific plan.

On average, the CaSSOA offers 25% discount off the touring caravan insurance if it require storage. There are some touring caravan insurance firms that provide their clients with a 15% discount.

No matter the percentage, a discount on this kind of insurance can be very helpful to the consumers.

Finally, if you´re getting a touring caravan insurance plan, it is best that you make sure of the following policies. If you can get a low policy excess, then you have to make the most out of the situation. Insure as much as you can.

It only helps to be practical nowadays and maximizing a deal in insurance is just one example of a smart move that you can do.
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Factors So As To Switch The Penalty Of Your Car Insurance Give A Price Of

Factors So As To Switch The Penalty Of Your Car Insurance Give A Price Of

Principally this long for include the area you live in the field of, if you live in the field of a desolate area of the population with very little cars on the road and almost nix theft before vandalism so therefore your premium be supposed to stay considerably poorer than if you were to live in the field of the halfway point of a city with a very lofty accident rate, crime rate and vandalism rate.

All approximately you.

Your age and sexual characteristics long for and dramatic piece a vast part in the field of determining the come to an end penalty of your car insurance give a price of. Little male drivers are a superior imperil group of group as soon as compared to mature ladies and even women of the same age. Designed for this sanity little male drivers are the congregate of group so as to long for stay faced with the highest car insurance give a price of.

Approximately your car.

The type of car before vehicle you are driving is and taken into consideration; sports cars, cabriolets and normally new needed cars long for retain a superior car insurance give a price of as they are both new likely to stay stolen and, in the field of the set of circumstances of sports and lofty performance cars, involved in the field of a greater figure of accidents.

Your history.

Your car insurance give a price of long for stay dependant on your prior driving and insurance history. If you retain smoothly claimed on your insurance before if you retain numerous speeding tickets so therefore you long for stay penalised designed for this and your car insurance give a price of long for stay superior than a celebrity with a clean driving license and little prior claims.

Wouldn't switch a matter.

In the role of you can envision nearby is not very you can make approximately on the whole of these problems. You certainly are not likely to consider emotive in the field of order to save a pair of hundred dollars on your car insurance give a price of and similarly you are not able to switch your age before sexual characteristics. The no more than single you possibly will perhaps make something approximately is the car you drive, but make you really would like to switch your car in the past few minutes to persuade a cheaper car insurance give a price of?

I beg your pardon? You can make to persuade a cut-rate car insurance give a price of.

The no more than feasible steps you can take to ensure you persuade a cut-rate car insurance give a price of designed for your circumstances is to store around. Persuade in the role of many quotation marks in the role of you can and reach effective they all retain exactly I beg your pardon? You would like. If required ring a pair of them back to notify them they aren’t the cheapest in the past few minutes to envision if they can make no matter which to either perk up their penalty before undertake you a new price added service like gratis pavement recovery.
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Top Car Insurance - Need Not Take Place Unsurprisingly The Low-Priced Insurance

Top Car Insurance - Need Not Take Place Unsurprisingly The Low-Priced Insurance

Top Car Insurance is a very essential incident these days. It is so substantial with the aim of round about states take part in requisite with the aim of each national with the aim of holds a driver’s license has to take place insured by a top Car Insurance company to lawfully drive on their roads. Near are many car insurance companies featuring in the industry permission at this point with the aim of are competing on behalf of your topic. So how organize you know you are choosing the top Insurance to fit your car insurance needs?

Next of kin superstore unfashionable:
Featuring in order to unearth top Car Insurance, you command need to organize a slight exploratory drive. With the aim of is to say, you command need to superstore around a crumb and apply on behalf of a variety of insurance policies. On behalf of folks not recognizable with insurance policies, come again? They have to do with is you fill unfashionable an informational form (almost all are to be had online these days) from a precise insurance bringer and in that case you command receive a cash celebrity on a recite linking to your inquest.

If you are attentive, inspect a add up to of insurance providers and fill unfashionable the forms, you command take part in a add up to of several cash information so having the status of to restricted a well top Car Insurance. It ought to take place affirmed, however, with the aim of top Car Insurance ought to not each time take place the primary goal on behalf of selecting a car insurance rule.

Protection unfashionable of Accident:
As soon as you good buy a car, you in no way expect to take part in a tragedy. However, from time to time the beyond belief command go on. You’ll only this minute take place driving around and in that case, bam, someone crash into you. Or else, maybe you slam into someone. Otherwise you know it, your in mint condition car is ominous. It’s by the side of this cape with the aim of you ought to call your insurance company to get how much it’s free to cost to urge you up and running again.

Car insurance possibly will besides take place purchased from single of the liberated insurance companies with the aim of concentrate featuring in insuring cars. Many of these companies command solitary insure specialized types of cars, so if your car is a rare, tough to unearth replica, you possibly will take part in complicatedness ruling someone to insure it. As soon as researching these companies, take place bound to be to ask in relation to the experience and credentials of the company to take place bound to be with the aim of the company with the aim of you are dealing with is a legitimate single. You organize not hunger to forfeit years of car insurance premiums solitary to take part in the company disappear a long time ago you categorizer a get. Although it possibly will take place frustration, ruling the permission company to procure car insurance from command take place well worth it featuring in the prolonged run.
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mardi 11 août 2009

Heavy vehicles

The Company is responsible for checking on the entire territory of Quebec if the vehicles are road transport of people and goods are in accordance with laws and regulations.

The Company carries out checks on roads and businesses to improve safety of heavy transport vehicles to protect roads and ensure equity among carriers.
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Accident victim

The public auto insurance protects all road users. Every citizen is covered for injuries suffered in a car accident anywhere in the world, whether or not responsible for the accident.
This scheme, known as the insurance policy , is financed from insurance contributions deducted from the cost of vehicle registration and the cost of driving

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Car Insurance Quotes | Car Insurance | Cheap Car Insurance | Auto Insurance

Car Insurance Quotes | Car Insurance | Cheap Car Insurance | Auto Insurance
Auto insurance is a primary need for all vehicles. Your vehicle is only when security was not assured, nobody knows what will happen in the world of flight. In addition to your own safety, your vehicle must be insured. Now you can easily get your motor insurance online, because it will save your time and money at the same time. Our online portal allows you insured your car today Our car insurance offers are tailored to your car and pocket the same time. Our online quote is much better in terms of price to safeguard your car than any other on-line. We have car insurance quotes tailored to your needs later to keep your car in days. The price difference will be online at reasonable prices low for all other insurance companies online. We have the cheapest car insurance quotes to fill the empty space left by other insurance companies. We check that your car, wherever met with an undesirable or unexpected damage reform our services to perfection. Later to have cheap car insurance, you May with our on-line at any time, day and night to secure a meeting for insuring your car. Once you have obtained a price for your car you will not get far from the repair of your car any time. You can compare prices and to take a final decision. To ensure your backup drive is our primary responsibility. Auto insurance is the most important in any comparison with any other service available. We provide the guarantee of lifetime membership. Of compensation to be adding a few dollars for the original cost of your car. We have set up such facilities to protect your property. Our first emphasis is always directed towards improving the next generation of services. May wherever you go you will find quotes and price cut throat, but we assure you the supreme guarantee of the revolutionary line of cheap services. Our services are unique and singular. Once you get the service you have always come to be served with confidence. In today's competitive standards of your car needs crucial. We asked all the essential elements to guide you through the process. The process is simple and clear. Select an offer that suits your pocket add conventional service. No body knows the future, but everyone has a chance to get the planning for her with consideration. Our greatest comfort is inclined to you with great service. Our service mainly for all to make you able to compare prices with online offers and select one. All available insurance needs these days because of the scarcity of roads and everything. Your car must be insured to drive it with confidence that you want to take. Prior to our online portal, you do not have much confidence in the insurance services because most services do not produce many customers. They only partially services at high prices. Resultantly we felt the need to stay online to make sure you 24X7 the guarantee to protect and secure your car with our simple interest to give you the easiest and transport service at a great price.
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Some tips for the insured to keep your insurance premium rates car Down , And you can use to compare rates auto insurance

There are so many ways that you can use to keep your automobile insurance rates and some of them you can use in conjunction with other discounts to maximize your savings.

Here are some things you can ask your insurance company car:

- Ask if you can receive a discount if you have more than one type of insurance for their business. For example, in May you find that you can have your auto insurance and your home insurance with this company and they will give you a discount. Carry all your insurance policies with them, such as auto, home, life and May you find that you can get even more money.

- If the driver of the car is a student or as a driver in the car, May you find that you can get a good discount for students. This is where the student maintains at least a B average on their report card. May be you need to take this report card auto insurance company whenever it fate, but it's really paying. If grades go down, the surrender of May to remove the notes back.

- See if there are any safe driver discounts. When you do not have a ticket or an accident, May you find that discounts are available for you.

- If you are elderly and you have not had any accidents in a period of time, may be delivered to you.

- You can always increase your deductible to the premium auto insurance cheapest online auto insurer. However, you must keep in mind that this will increase out-of-pocket expenses in case of accident. The standard deductible is $ 500, but some people will go up $ 2,000 to put a little money on their premium. If you can pay $ 2,000 in case of accident, while the work is good. Just make sure that your deductible is not higher than what you can afford if the damage is done to your car and you must pay.

- You want to shop in May. May you find a company that offers the same coverage for a lower price. You always want to compare before making a commitment.

You want to use these things for you to save a little money.
How you can compare prices auto insurance online?

When searching for the right company to do business, it is very important that you compare. You can do this by calling the companies and the registration of the various rates they quote. You can also do this by going to their website and fill out forms on their websites to get quotes for auto insurance you want. This allows you to compare how much simpler. Take all the information and make an informed decision.
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Auto insurance and your demands: they must pay!

Auto insurance and your demands: they must pay!
car insuranceTo complicate matters even if a loss is covered, the policy most likely includes a deductible and limits of coverage. Depending on the nature of the loss, several insurance companies in May to be involved. For example, if a storm strikes and you have both wind and flooding, May you have to file a claim with your homeowners insurance for wind damage and another with the insurance program flooding (if you have flood insurance) for water damage.

Depending on where you live, your deductible May be higher under certain circumstances. For example, in Florida, your deductible for hurricane damage is much higher than if your house was robbed. So your insurance company to pay or is it not? Look at this way, insurance companies will not pay. They are in business to generate profits and will need to be convinced by you that the claim should be paid. The burden of proof is on you, the owner. This means that you must prove your case and do it well. The better prepared and better organized than you are, the better.

Start of documentation. May you need to take dozens of photos and provide your insurance agent with detailed estimates for the fight against the insurance company settlement offer original. May you need to demand to see how the official depreciation of your property and negotiate a reasonable method. If your home insurance policy is a contract, the compensation process provides room for negotiations with the automobile insurance (more information on the best tactics in negotiation Contacting with undertaking of car insurance? Article).

insuranceYour is better to prepare for a fight. Your tools in this battle include a detailed inventory at home, digital photos and video to document the damage, the local estimates, and a willingness to demand a better offer. You do not do it alone. In fact, many entrepreneurs are willing to be present during the visit of the adjuster to help tackle the damage that the expert would have otherwise ignored. In addition, experts from public insurance to act as defenders of the house and work on your behalf to negotiate a better settlement offer.

Arm yourself with knowledge, documentation and the real world while also considering the estimates of the professional representation and you will be better equipped to answer the question "Will they pay for it?"
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Audi R8 CAR review

Audi R8 CAR review

A mid-engined supercar from Audi – how extraordinary...

Make no mistake, this is a seminal motoring moment. The R8 is Audi’s first mid-engined supercar, designed to prove that Ingolstadt can mix it with pedigree sporting brands like BMW and Porsche. The launch version – running a V8 – costs £77k, a chunky price tag which illustrates Audi’s three-decade transformation into a true luxury car player. And with a 187mph top speed, it’s also the fastest production Audi. All very exciting – but does the driving experience live up to this billling… • READ OUR 17-PAGE DRIVE OF THE AUDI R8, SHOT ON LOCATION IN NEVADA, IN THE MARCH 2007 ISSUE OF CAR. CALL 0845 121 4000 FOR BACK ISSUES
Cut to the chase: does it handle?

Yes – better than any current Audi. With the 414bhp 4.2-litre mounted amidships in a beautiful carbonfibre cradle, the R8 eliminates Audi’s typically nose-heavy dynamics. Only 44 percent of weight is up front, although the massive overhang could fool some into thinking the lump hangs over the front axle. Until you peer into that glass display case up back, the trademark of an Italian exotic. • CAN AUDI CUT IT AS A TRUE SUPERCAR BRAND? Hit 'Add comment' to post your views
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BBC:Audi R8 Car Review vs Porsche 911 Carrera

Audi R8 vs Porsche 911 GT3 RS

By Ben Pulman


30 November 2007 15:16

If you want to watch an R8 lap Cadwell Park, shot from the tail of a 911 GT3 RS, then this is your video. CAR's road test editor Chris Chilton is at the R8's wheel, trying to keep up with Touring Car driver Matt Neal in the Porsche. There's some minor tail-wagging from the lad Chilton...

Don't forget, if you've got any videos you'd like to share with the world you can publish them directly onto this website. (If you're having problems viewing this video you may need to update to the latest version which you can do free here.)

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Rally Crashes Compilation 1: Mix, Mash Up, Cars Comp REMAKE!

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Supercar Shootout! - Epic 5-Car Drag Race

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Fast & Furious 4: The Cars and Trucks

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the best car

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lundi 10 août 2009

Auto insurance is mandatory?

The law requires every motorist to be insured under what is commonly called the "liability". This insurance covers compensation for harm and injury that could be caused to others by the driver of the car or its passengers in an accident. A motor insurance contract may be limited to this simple guarantee or other collateral included.
What is the difference between an insurance "third" and liability insurance?
Every driver shall at least be provided for bodily injury and property damage caused to third parties by the insured vehicle (Art. 211-1 and 211-5 of the Insurance Code).

This insurance minimum insurance is called "third".
Insurance against all risks "include more extensive guarantees and cover the damage to your car, whatever the charge, even if the driver (except in cases of general conduct in the case of drunkenness) and even if the person is not identified (in case of vandalism, for example).
Insurance "all risks" allows a better compensation insurance to third parties.
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What is a record of information?

What is a record of information?
It is a document that traces the past of a person as provided by. It contains the following information:
- The usual designated drivers,
- The number, nature and the responsibilities of claims made,
- The identity of the driver responsible and the reduction coefficient-up (or Bonus / Malus).
The statement of information shall cover a period that varies according to the companies.
The insurer is obliged to issue a statement of information to an insured when there is termination of contract.
The law requires every motorist to be insured under what is commonly called the "liability".
This insurance covers compensation for harm and injury that could be caused to others by the driver of the car or its passengers in an accident.
A motor insurance contract may be limited to this simple guarantee or other collateral included.

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What is auto insurance?

What is auto insurance?
What is the insurance "liability" on automobiles?
The insurance liability guarantees compensation for harm and injury caused to others by the driver of the car or its passengers in an accident.
Designed to enable victims of traffic accidents to be always and properly compensated, it is compulsory for all motorists, and is therefore included in any contract of automobile insurance.

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How to make a choice?

All insurance contracts are not equal. Attention to the terms of subscription may vary the price of two!
Although important, the price of auto insurance should not be determinative. It is especially important to check the extent of guarantees offered. To choose your car insurance, the key is to play competition. In fact, most insurance companies have attractive rates, but still need to know what guarantees are offered for this price! Often small paragraphs contracts subtle hidden clauses which, in time, can have serious consequences ...

Not a contract is like another and it is for everyone to choose one that best fits the needs and which, nevertheless, the best value for money. Various forms exist, depending on needs and price ...

The first question is what exactly we want to cover. According to the insurance company or mutual that you go, it was, schematically, the choice between three levels of guarantees.

Either in ascending order:

- The only coverage of the Civil Liability (RC). In this case, the insurance covers all harm and injury caused to others. However, the vehicle is not insured, nor are the injuries which the insured may be a victim when he's wrong.

- Ensuring "damage collisions," which offers, in addition to the RC, a series of guarantees for any damage to the vehicle, the insured is responsible or not the accident, provided that the third party is identified. If the insured is not responsible for the damage caused to his vehicle will be covered by insurance side.

- Finally, the phrase "all risks" for those who wish to be insured for all damage caused to their vehicle in case of accident or they would not responsibility.

The choice of one of these options depends on the value of the vehicle. There are no rules. If the vehicle has more than five years, an "all risks" is not necessarily required, particularly for small cars. But it can still be justified on the car more upmarket.
Other important criteria are also taken into account when the subscription.

Some companies charge extra for instance in case of driver. Some contracts also limit beneficial perimeter travel or the use of strict leisure trips.
The other argument for self-determination is to see what are the facilities offered by the company in case of serious failure, ie if there is support and what is its scope and effectiveness .
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Guide to buy a new car

The market for motor vehicles today became extended because of the latest trends and technological aspects of motor vehicles. Car manufacturers continue to add a new article on the different vehicle segments. Moreover, competition in the market for motor vehicles has also grown stronger.

Consequently, automakers with their respective dealers offer attractive incentives for customers as well as the range of promotional aspects of their products to customers to have a good taste and motivation to choose their desired model of car. According to Philip Reed of Edmunds. Com, buy a car is a great investment, but it can be exciting and rewarding, especially if you feel like you took the car right at a reasonable price. So if you plan to buy a new car, try to follow these guides to help you understand what Philip said tubular. The first thing you should consider buying a new vehicle is to choose a type that fits your driving personality.

Basically, vehicles have been broken down into several classes or segments. These include contracts and subcompact sedans, 2 door coupes, wagons, vehicles servicing Sport (SUVs), vans and minivans, and trucks. Another factor to consider is your budget. To be sure, you do not look for a cut of powerful and expensive sports if you do not have enough money in your pocket. Your choice will depend on your budget by buying your new vehicle.

The next thing after you've chosen your desired type of vehicle is to narrow down your choices and determine the make and model. There are many domestic and international models of vehicles to choose from (eg Ford, GM, Toyota, Honda, Audi, Volkswagen). When it comes to evaluation, not to assume that the price offered to you is the best distribution on the market. Most car agencies are now more competitive than before. Look at the brochures for the dealer incentives and discounts offered before the actual purchase.

You should also check and have a good evaluation on this until your car payment. Another thing that is important when buying a new car is the cost to change your purchase as to how you can get discounts by buying your car, and make negotiations with the dealer for the lowest possible purchase price of purchase. After doing this, and if you agree on the price, the next thing you should consider is the additional you would when buying your new car. These include sales tax, registration fees, and other various fees that vary according to some certain circumstances such as the location of the dealer or brand name and model. After choosing the car you are now ready for payment. After the review and sign all necessary contracts and other paper work.

This task is extremely important after the payment because it will certify you as an owner of the new car. In conclusion, try not to get first passionnan'au about your new set of wheels and do not lead immediately. By purchasing a new car, always check before heading on the road and take a nice drift. You should check your new car exterior and interior parts such as paint to see if there are scratches and bumps. Search other damage inside and outside including mirrors, glass, wheels and seats. It is better to include technical documents for inspection (such as rotors of Volkswagen). This will load your security policies and ensure that you have purchased new.
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Tips for buying a used car

Buying a used car business is not without risks, even for a professional automotive. After verification of paper that helps to ensure that the vehicle is not stolen, you can choose between two types of advice:

1 - If you hurry, you can start with a series of checks rather simple, which you give a first idea of the state of the car. If this initial review is favorable, you can then engage in a more détaillé.

2-You can make as careful control of the car or after a first quick look which turned out positive. The road test will be the last phase of the examination of a car. Apart from the purely technical aspects, you should avoid buying a car (used car) not suitable for your body.

Verification rapide

1-Shocks: Press forcefully on the four corners of the vehicle. If you observe more sudden is the indication that the shock must be remplacés.
2 - Corrosion of the body: Refuse a car too rouillée.
3-Binnacle: Check the status of the passenger car replacement coatings interiors, floor mats or seat belts are expensive. Also check the driver's seat. If it is too slumped, the car has roulé.
4-Tires: Check the tire condition and sculptures.
5-Projectors: Make sure the screens are not broken and they function correctement.
6-Alignment Doors: Doors that do not line up perfectly may indicate that the vehicle was seriously accidenté.
7 back-fires: Make sure the screens are not broken and they are working properly.

Owned car: Control-rigoureux

1 Pay attention to the exhaust hole or deep oxydé.
2-Check if there is no oil leak on the deck arrière.
3-Check if there is not seen in a game joints transmission.
4-oil leak at the carter.
5-Check if the shock absorbers do not lose their huile.Avant to take road test, it is good to make some checks on the car is stationary. This is to ensure that everything works normally, starting with the security organs such as brakes and steering. We would do well to get help from a friend. To be in good standing, it is also necessary that the direction indicators, stop lights and wipers work properly. Otherwise, even for a simple test, the driver can be considered responsible and therefore liable to a amende.

OCCASION CAR: The test on the last phase of the examination of a car. First, we need to avoid buying a car not suitable for your body. For technical aspects, we must focus on:
1 - embrayage
2-The gearbox Run quickly change speed: The speed should go smoothly, without accrocher.
3-management: On a stretch of road not curved, the car does not steer or be deflected by irrégularités.
4-brakes on a straight and clear, take the car at 40 km / h, and then go to neutral and brake energy, brakes must stop the car without diverting without grazing, balanced with a locking wheel. Check at the same speed on dry roads, the hand brake by gradually tightening it should cause a net-ralentissement.
5 the engine pick up speed in the car, slowly at first, then more vigorously. Accelerations must be frank and fair, otherwise there is a lack of fuel or ignition. The car must also be able to ride smoothly to 50 km / h in fourth on flat terrain. Accelerate then responsible: the car must be able to take regular speed. Finally, try the engine load. In one side, switch to second, and 40 km / h, listen to the engine: a scraping or knocking from periodic bearings or worn pistons.

And to sell?

It is difficult to sell his car "used car" because buyers are often in strong position (you're in a hurry to sell, for example). Here are some tips to ensure the best price.
Car for the occasion, choose the right season

The holiday departures and retraction are often the opportunity for motorists to change their car. Eager to go on vacation or going to work (much rarer case), they are less willing to discuss the price. We must also pay attention to the type of vehicle you sell. Do not sell such as a convertible in winter, his price is not high. Expect the following spring and the return of sunny days.
Resale in full glory
It is preferable to split a car in full glory, because people desire it. On the other hand, do not sell a car at the end of the series, most people prefer to wait until the new arrives on the secondhand market car.
Have an impeccable car
You are not buying a car sale, so be aware that this is the case for everyone. Feel free to wash your car before the visit of a potential buyer.
It is necessary to maintain the owner. In case of resale, you can prove to the buyer that you have maintained the car regularly.
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